Sunday, June 5, 2016

Job Vacancy

Express group
Jln. By Pass Nugraha Rai no. 57xx.
Jimbaran Bali

I am a 19 years old and recent graduate from Senior High School and need a job that allow me to build Experience and Knowledge.

2003 – 2009 : SD Karangwuluh
2009-2012 : SMP N 1 Wates
2012-2015 : SMA N 1 Wates

I still looking for job and experience

Skills and Qualifications
Familiar with most common sofware e.g. MS Office
Passive Speaking English with Tofel 476
Still in process to have “A” Driving License

give me your comment please

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Introduction Hello all. This time I will Share about my Survey. This is it. This survey has an purpose to know the fungtion of smartphone in daily life. Method The research method was survey. People have to answer few quesion that I have made. Total 60 people were answer the quesion from 4 april 2016 to 11 April 2016. All of the respondents use Smartphone. (41%) respondents are female and ( 59 %) are male. 44 (73.3%) have more than 17 years old and 16(26.7%) have less than 17 years old Finding 40 (66.6 %) respondents already used smartphone more than 1 years and 20 (33.4%) less than 1 years. Almost all the respondents use Android (56 respondents /93.3%) and the rest use other system operation (1 / 1.7% for BBM, 1 / 1.7% for Symbian and 1 / 1.7% for Others). This result has a proof that smartphone with android are easy to use. I found an Intersting part from the surfey. Every days 34 (56.7%) respondents used smartphone for more than 5 hours and 26 (43.3%) for less than 5 hours. Most of the respondents pay morethan50000 rupiahs (31 or 51.7%)and the rest (29 or 48.3%) use less than 50000 rupiahs every month.
Respondents bought smartphone that have price more than >2000000 (28/47.6%), (24/40%) for 1000000-2000000 and the rest (8/13.3%) for less than 1000000. Almost ¾ respondents(42/70%) didn’t feel wired when they do not use smartphone in daily life and the rest felt wired when they didn’t use smartphone (18/30%). I think smartphone didn’t distrub respondents in dily life because ¾(45) respondents could do thir daily life without smartphone and ¼ (15) could not do their activity in daily life without smartphone.Respondents used smartphone for Chatting (31/51.7%), access internet (15/40%), others (5/8.3%) and no one used semartphone for plays game. Respondents better have 1 (52/86.7%) smartphone then 2 or more (8/13.3%). Almost all of the respondents Chose “smartphone is important” (55/91.7%) and the rest chose “smartphone is not important” (5/8.3%)
. Respondents think that smartphone help them when study (59/98.3%) And only few respondents think that smartphone didn’t help them when study (1/1.7%). Smartphone didnt disrtrub respondents when they study because (47/78.3%) feet it and the rest didn’t agree with it (13/21.7%). Smartphone is helpfull because almost all the respondents chose YES (59/98.3%) in Quesion “Does your smartphone help you in daily life?” and the rest chose NO(1/17%). Every person has their own desire about smartphone but some people didn’t tell me their real answer. Respondents didn’t afraid because of the information of exsplosive Smartphone (41/68.3) and some of them are afraid (19/31/7). Every years, a few people buy more than 2 smartphone (2/3.3%), (18/30%) buy 1 smartphone every years and the others (40/66.7%) didn’t buy a smartphone. Repondent got the phone from electronic market (47/78.3%). Market (6/10% )and online shop (7/11.7%). Concluseon In this era. Almost every teenager and adult have their own smartphone. Smartphone is vey use full to do daily activity such as study and access internet but if there is no Smartphone we still able to do our daily activity witout get big problem.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

This is invitation letters. please give me your comment. CMIIW

25 Colombo street, Sleman. Yogyakarta
Fax : 6566556651865

April 17 Th, 2016

Dear Costumers

We would like to thank you for your bossiness by Inviting you to our first – second shop opening on next Saturday.

Saturday’s sales even is by invitation only. All of our stock, including shoes and T-shirt will be marked down from 60-90% off*. Doors open at 08.00 am to 10.00 pm. Public admission will commence at afternoon.

In addition, please bring your id member to get more discount.

We look forward to hearing from you at PJ’s on Saturday. Please bring this invitation with you and present it at the door.



Store manager

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

This is opinion letter. please give me your comment.

Panama Papers: Inside the shady world of tax havens
We explore the impact of the Panama Papers and ask how much of the wealth-management industry's work is perfectly legal.
The Panama Papers shocked the world when a massive leak of 11.5 million tax documents exposed the secret dealings of hundreds of thousands of people, including world leaders and celebrities, and how they use shady financial mechanisms to avoid paying taxes and hide their wealth.
It's perfectly okay to arrange your affairs in such a way that you pay as little tax as possible.
Stewart Patton, US tax attorney
Linking at least 12 current and former heads of state and 143 politicians to illicit financial transactions, the documents revealed how Mossack Fonseca, a Panama-based law firm, allegedly used banks, law firms and offshore shell companies, from 1977 to the end of 2015, to help hide its clients assets.
While the disclosures have since led to the resignation of one world leader, Sigmundur Davio Gunnlaugsson, the Icelandic prime minister; the problem goes beyond mere individuals.
The Panama Papers have exposed that most of the work Mossack Fonseca and the rest of the wealth-management industry do is perfectly legal.
On this special edition of Counting the Cost, we take a closer look at tax havens and the legality behind them.
Alex Cobham, a director of research at the Tax Justice Network, joins the programme to discuss the loopholes that allow tax-dodging.
Stewart Patton, a US tax attorney based in Belize City, discusses the possible fallout for tax havens following the release of the Panama Papers.
We also speak to James S Henry, a senior fellow at Columbia University's Centre for Sustainable Investment, about the absence of American billionaires and companies on the leaked list and how the United States, the world's biggest economy, is surprisingly a top tax haven.
Source: Al Jazeera

Dear Editor
I was interested to read “Panama Papers: Inside the shady world of tax havens” (Source: Al Jazeera/10 Apr 2016 15:29 GMT). I am concerned about corruption in the world especially in Indonesia.
It’s okay for entrepreneurs to pay little tax as possible but they should pay tax.

I think we should punish all entrepreneurs and take all their asset if it necessary in order to reduce corruption in this country.
